Last September 26th, within the frame of the events turning around the Festival dell’Architettura 2020, In/Arch (Istituto Nazionale di Architettura) has awarded in Cagliari (Sardinia) the Prize IN/ARCHITETTURA 2020 to the authors of the best works of architecture singled out in the island; among these was the House along Sardinia’s coastline - by Pierluigi Piu, who, in accordance with the prize spirit - was awarded together with his client and the builder of the work - which will now compete for the national Italian prize, which will be given during the final ceremony to be held at next Venezia’s Biennale di Architettura.
In/Arch, founded in 1959 by Bruno Zevi, gave life to the Prize IN/ARCHITETTURA since 1962, aiming at monitoring and detecting good quality architectural works built in whole Italy, and at enhancing that such quality is never simply circumscribed within the limits of merely aesthetic and linguistic matters, being it, instead, the result of a complex process involving all phases and protagonists of the building procedure.
During the last 58 years the Prize IN/ARCHITETTURA has been awarded to many prominent personalities of Italian architecture, such as – to mention only some of them – Renzo Piano, Pierluigi Nervi, Umberto Riva, Carlo Scarpa, Gae Aulenti and Massimiliano Fuksas.