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Thinking about a chromatic future in Architecture; Conference: Color and matter in Interior Design

Thinking of a Chromatic Future in Architecture

Finalborgo Ligure, Italy cloister of S.ta Caterina's nunnery

Forum Pensare ad un Futuro Cromatico in Architettura; Conferenza: Colore e Materia nel Design d’Interni

Last September 30th, 2009, within the splendid environmental context of Finalborgo Ligure – one among Italy’s finest ancient villages – in the cloister of S.ta Caterina’s nunnery was held the sixth edition of the forum Thinking of a Chromatic Future in Architecture, organized by the Italian Accademia del Pensiero a Colori within the frame of the tour through the most important Italian and international cities promoted by Oikos in order to “stimulate meetings with experts of colour in the perspective of a chromatic and eco-friendly future”. In this occasion Pierluigi Piu has delivered his conference Colour and Matter in Interior Design.

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